Introduction Great Lent is considered the holiest fast since our Lord Jesus Christ Himself had fasted it. Therefore, during Great Lent we follow the example set by our Lord Jesus Christ, Who fasted on our behalf forty days and forty nights (Matt. 4: 2). Also during Holy Week, which comes after the 40 days, we live the Passion of Christ …
As much as we hate Gossip, we can’t resist it
You would never imagine that church people in a church environment would gossip right? Well today I’m going to reflect on how deadly gossip is and that it is everywhere. I’m sure everyone knows the pain of gossip. Whether you know what its like to be gossiped about or you have seen the negative impact of gossip. I have also …
The Sacrament of Matrimony
In The Cana of Galilee Wedding St. John is the only one who recorded the events of the wedding at Cana in his gospel (John 2:1-11), since he was one of the witnesses of the event. He was the only one who knew the details of the conversation between Christ and St. Mary, as St. Mary stayed with him in …
Love in the Form of Friendship
A couple of days ago I met a woman who has been married for 11 years and trying to have a child. I was talking to her about life and keeping a positive mind set. When I left she was crying because of how happy and touched she felt with the conversation we had. I was overwhelmed with joy and …
The Letter to Philemon
The Story: The letter to Philemon is one of St. Paul’s 14 epistles. Philemon was a master to a slave named Onesimus. One day, Onesimus was tempted and stole money from Philemon and ran away to Rome, where he met St. Paul. St. Paul’s preaching moved him and caused him to feel sorry about what he did. He told St. …
Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits” (1 Corinthians 15:33). Not only is this a famous verse, but also a common saying; often heard, but never completely understood. What does it truly mean? Let us start with an example: I once knew someone that went to church every Sunday, was a straight A student, was obedient and always …
The End of Times
Many historians and scientists have been trying and are trying to predict the date in which the world will come to an end. The Mayans thought that the end of times was on December 21st, 2012. Clearly they were wrong as I am still here, typing about their unfortunate miscalculation. Scientists like Sir Isaac Newton also have their own predictions …
The Importance of Communion
Something which we do not question often is the importance of communion. When we question our actions we gain a clearer understanding of why we do them; so let us now reinforce our faith in the power of communion by understanding what it is and why it is necessary that we do it. Let’s start by what it is. Our …
I know what you’re thinking. Another lesson telling you “don’t be afraid to tell people you’re Christian” or “have the courage to stand up for your faith”, you’ve heard it all. When we think about having courage as a Christian, why do we immediately think about our duty to preach or to stand up for the faith in front of …
God’s Plan and Future
Reading the Bible is very important in our relationship with the Lord, not only spiritually, mentally but physically. This specific verse talks about God’s plan and the future he has created for each and everyone of us. Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to …